Girls Club Tryouts 2024 - 2025
Club Volleyball functions as the development pipeline for athletes wanting to play at the elite level. Come join us for club tryouts, the season takes place from November to June. Tryouts held in July.
Tryout Information
Game Point Volleyball is made up of volleyball veterans. Kim Vach along with the directors from Game Point Events, Sindee Snow and Yvonne Devlin have been volleyball institutions in the state of Florida for over 25 years. This group has won several National Championships and gone on to produce numerous All-Americans and hundreds of collegiate players. These former OVA founders are recognized nationally for making Florida a formidable competitor at the national level. Come join us for a safe and exciting season.
Teams Available
10's, 11's, 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's, 18's
The number of teams at each age group depends on how many athletes tryout. We try to accommodate as many players as possible. We prefer players tryout with their own age group. If you have extenuating circumstances you would like to discuss you can call us. Refer age definition chart to determine what age group to register for. ​
Team Type
We offer three types of teams which differ based on their amount of travel, training and player commitment level.
See our Girls Club Volleyball page to learn the differences between our programs.
Teams are selected via a tryout process.Tryout dates are listed below.
We highly encourage a player to make every effort to attend on the tryout date and time. Positions are awarded that day with the goal of filling all team spots.
For answers to questions about tryouts, refer to the Tryout FAQ's

Helpful Links

Our make-up tryout date is for those unable to attend the original tryouts held in July and August. This will be our last tryout before the start of the 2024-25 season which starts in the beginning of November. Available positions will be limited at this time but some still remain in our travel, state and local programs. If we get enough players in needed positions we will sometimes form new teams.
Sept. 29, 2024
Players should arrive 1 hour prior to start for registration, sizing, testing and warm-ups